Following the Ebola epidemic last year, a basic structure was built for the first Homeopathic Hospital for Sierra Leone. Government agencies and the local community in Kossoh Town, just outside Freetown, have been supportive. In order to make this a viable hospital, construction supplies are needed. Examples of items that are needed include: Roofing, $10:00 per cement load; $3.00 per 2x4 timber; Electrical, $6.00 sockets; $4.00 switches; $120 cable; Tiling, $20.00 per carton; Doors, $324 each; Windows, $290.00 each; and Plumbing, $6.00 pipes; $7.00 plugs. Treatment for typhoid, malaria, influenza and acute ailments, as well as assistance with childbirth will be provided.