The use and sharing of scrap cloths in Africa is common in many households.  Though they are washed between uses, there is no guarantee that they are 100% hygienic, meaning that diseases can be passed from one woman to another.  $2.00 will purchase a pair of ladies underwear.  Sharing of undergarments in rural villages in South Africa also is common.  Due to the high rate of unemployment and lack of funds, or children being orphaned, many girls go to school without wearing underwear.  As a result, they stay home during their menstruation period.  $5.30 will provide a solar lantern. Electricity in South Africa is unpredictable and impacts the way students can study at night.  When there is no electricity, students use candles and this causes numerous fires.  Due to the COVID-19 virus, this project has been expanded to include soap and hand sanitizers as part of this women's health and hygiene initiative. Associated Organization: Masungulo Youth Development and Global Initiative Against HPV and Cervical Cancer (GIAHC).


$2.20 will purchase a package of sanitary napkins.
$2.00 will purchase a pair of ladies underwear.
$5.30 will provide a solar lantern.